CBL Training & Consulting | Sacramento, CA | 916.998.0502 | Admin@CBLTAC.us
The Arbore Concept

The Arbore Concept is a model of how we react to stressful events in our lives.

This four hour seminar provides a deep understanding of critical, stressful events in our lives and serves to help protect from post traumatic stress disorder and general stress by educating people about the processes the brain will use throughout a stressful period of time in one's life.

CBL repeatedly explains to its audiences that predicability minimizes stress.  Understanding the process of stress in the mind creates predicitability, which in turn minimizes stress. 

The Arbore Concept of processing stress has been presented to managers and administrators during professional conferences.  It has also been presented during CBL "Stress Management" seminars.  The Arbore Concept has also been presented during extended "Fundamental Body Language" presentations.

This chapter seminar is an "adult learning" styles workshop.  The seminar is a mixure of lecture, discussion, and learning activities where the audience "discovers" the material and the presenter facilitates learning.​​

Body Language
Chapter Classes​